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Autor/inBruder, Mary Beth
InstitutionConnecticut Univ. Health Center, Farmington.
TitelPreservice and Inservice Training for Early Intervention Collaboration: Across Agencies, Professionals and Families. October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1997. Final Report.
Quelle(1997), (343 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Change Strategies; Delivery Systems; Disabilities; Early Intervention; Evaluation Methods; Faculty Development; Family Involvement; Higher Education; Individualized Family Service Plans; Infants; Inservice Teacher Education; Interdisciplinary Approach; Interprofessional Relationship; Parent Teacher Cooperation; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Staff Development; Teacher Collaboration; Teaching Models; Toddlers
AbstractThis report describes the activities of a personnel preparation special project which developed, implemented, and evaluated a training model focusing on materials and collaborative activities necessary for effective delivery of early intervention. The collaborations focused on three areas: interagency collaborations, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and family collaborations. Within each of these areas, a number of sub-areas were highlighted. Interagency collaborations emphasized the service coordination and transition process. Cross-disciplinary collaborations included the assessment and service delivery process. Lastly, family collaborations centered around the development of Individualized Family Service Plans and the use of family support strategies. The training materials and activities developed were targeted at two audiences, early intervention staff and faculty from institutions of higher education. The training activities and materials were piloted with both target audiences in Connecticut during the first two years of the project, and the model was available for national dissemination during the third year. Evaluation focused on the training materials, training activities, trainee outcomes, and program impact. The report includes the service providers' inservice manual, preservice higher education manuals, participant data, and a dissemination list. (Contains 92 references.) (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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