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Autor/inn/enCollins, Mary A.; Chandler, Kathryn
InstitutionWestat, Inc., Rockville, MD.
TitelUse of Public Library Services by Households in the United States: 1996. Statistics in Brief.
Quelle(1997), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Family (Sociological Unit); Library Research; Library Services; Library Statistics; Library Surveys; Public Libraries; Statistical Analysis; Use Studies; Users (Information); United States
AbstractThe 1996 National Household Education Survey (NHES:96), an ongoing national survey on important educational issues, included a series of questions about the use of public library services by members of United States households. Responses represent public library use by members of each household surveyed and not by individual persons within households. This report presents the findings for each of the items for all households. About 44% of the households included individuals who used public library services in the month prior to the interview and 65% of households used public library services in the past year. About one-third (35%) reported that no household members had used library services in the past year. Public library use was more common in households with children under 18 than in households without children. The most common way of using public library services in the past month was to go to a library to borrow or drop off books or tapes (36%). About half as many households (18%) reported visiting the library for other purposes, such as lecture or story hour or to use library equipment. The highest percentage of households who had used the library in the past month reported library use for enjoyment or hobbies, including borrowing books or tapes or attending activities (32%). Two other purposes were getting information for personal use, and using library services or materials for a school or class assignment. There is considerable variation among states in the percentage of households that used public library services in the past month and the past year. Also included in this report are the survey methodology and data reliability; response rates; nonsampling errors; and sampling errors. Five tables present survey results. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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