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Autor/inTubtimtong, Wanpen
TitelBuilding Up a Unified ESP Programme Out of Diverse Stakeholders' Perspectives.
Quelle(1995), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; College Second Language Programs; Course Content; Curriculum Design; Deans; Dental Schools; Educational Needs; Educational Policy; Engineering Education; English for Special Purposes; English (Second Language); Foreign Countries; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Medical Education; Pharmaceutical Education; Policy Formation; Program Design; Program Development; Science Education; Student Attitudes; Surveys; Teacher Attitudes; Thailand
AbstractA study at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), in response to administrator and employer concerns about the quality of English second language instruction, investigated aspects of language program design. Concerns had been expressed about the level of English language skills among science and engineering graduates. The survey consisted of interviews with 5 deans and questionnaires distributed to 82 specialist lecturers and 91 graduate students in faculties of science, pharmaceutical sciences, dentistry, preventive and social medicine, and engineering. The deans responded unanimously that English language programs should focus on productive and communicative skills and be relevant to students' fields of study, with choice of methodology left to the university's language institute. The majority of specialists preferred that English courses be optional, but should develop productive and communicative skills. Individual student respondents differed in personal aims, based on current language proficiency level, language difficulties, and expectations about learning English. From these responses, specific recommendations emerged concerning the refinement of university language policy, restructuring of the English program at all levels (introductory, English for Special Purposes/ESP, and advanced), and the redesign of an existing ESP course. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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