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Sonst. PersonenDanzer, Gerald A. (Hrsg.); Wolf, Jacqueline (Hrsg.)
InstitutionIllinois Univ., Champaign.
TitelSource Maps and the Social Studies: Essays, Lesson Plans, and Materials from Cartographic Traditions in Western Civilization. The University of Illinois at Chicago World History Project, 1993.
Quelle(1994), (144 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Area Studies; Cartography; Elementary Secondary Education; Geographic Concepts; Geographic Location; Geography; Inservice Teacher Education; Locational Skills (Social Studies); Map Skills; Maps; Topography; Western Civilization
AbstractThis resource book results from a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute for 30 teachers conducted in 1992 at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Curriculum materials developed were field-tested the following school year. Divided into three sections, part 1, "Essays," contains the following chapters: (1) "Maps in the Context of Time: The Historian's Contribution to Cartographic Literacy" (Gerald A. Danzer); (2) "The Center of the Earth: World Maps and Point of View Analysis" (Mark Newman); (3) "Islamic Maps in the Context of Western Civilization" (Kathleen Borghoff); and (4) "The Debate over Global Projections" (Raymond M. Brod). Part 2, "Lessons and Units," contains the following chapters: (1) "Early Civilizations in the Ancient Near East" (John Mullins); (2)"The Earliest World Map" (Victoria Goben); (3) "World Maps and World Views before Columbus" (Victoria Goben); (4) "Ancient and Medieval Maps for Classroom Discussion" (Charles Hart); and (5) "Mapping in Grades 5 and 6: Suggestions for a Unit" (Roger Anna). Part 3, "Urban Perspectives and Local Applications," contains the following chapters: (1) "Cities of the World: Cartographic and Historical Perspectives" (Charles Hart); (2) "The World in Our City: Ethnicity in Chicago" (Margaret Kania); and (3) "The History of Cicero Township: Cartographic Perspectives" (Charles E. Samec). Appendices offer additional maps and suggestions on how to use them in the classroom. (EH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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