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Autor/inn/enGreen, Eileen; und weitere
TitelGendered by Design? Information Technology and Office Systems. Gender and Society: Feminist Perspectives on the Past and Present Series.
Quelle(1993), (218 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adults; Computer System Design; Employed Women; Foreign Countries; Information Technology; Office Occupations; Office Occupations Education; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Technological Advancement; Vocational Education
AbstractThis international collection of essays brings together two important and growing areas of research and debate: the sociology of gender relations in the workplace and the expanding body of interdisciplinary research into the design of computer systems. Feminists, computer scientists, and sociologists explore the impact of gender relations upon computer system design. An introduction (Green, Owen, Pain) is followed by two chapters in section 1 that set the context: "Human-Centred Systems Design: A Review of Trends within the Broader Systems Development Context" (Pain et al.) and "Establishing Gender Perspectives on Information Technology: Problems, Issues, and Opportunities" (Henwood). Section II contains three chapters on gender perspectives in computer systems development:"Design of Information Systems: Things Versus People" (Bodker, Greenbaum); "A Separate Reality: Science, Technology, and Masculinity" (Murray); and "The Expert Systems Debate: A Gender Perspective" (Adam, Bruce). Two chapters are found in section III on gender, clerical work, and information technology: "Information Technology and Occupational Restructuring in the Office" (Liff) and "From the Word Processor to the Micro: Gender Issues in the Development of Information Technology in the Office" (Webster). Section IV on new initiatives in Europe, particularly Scandinavia, is comprised of four chapters: "'City Libraries': Human-Centred Opportunities for Women?" (Green, Owen, Pain); "Strengths and Weaknesses of Participation: Learning by Doing in Local Government" (Hales, O'Hara); "The Universes of Discourse for Education and Action/Research" (de Cindio, Simone); and "Trade Unions, Information Technology, and Equal Opportunities in Sweden" (Avner). Appendixes include notes on contributors and an index. (YLB)
AnmerkungenTaylor and Francis, 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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