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Sonst. PersonenSuhor, Charles (Mitarb.)
InstitutionNational Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL.
TitelTrends and Issues in English Instruction, 1994--Six Summaries. Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions of the National Council of Teachers of English.
Quelle(1994), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCurriculum Development; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; English Instruction; Higher Education; Language Arts; Literature Appreciation; Mass Media Role; Reading Instruction; Writing Instruction
AbstractInformation on current trends and issues informally discussed and then delineated by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions, is presented in this 11th annual report. The commissions and their directors are: (1) Commission on Curriculum (Dorothy King); (2) Commission on Language (Vivian I. Davis); (3) Commission on Composition (Marilyn M. Cooper); (4) Commission on Literature (Reginald Martin); (5) Commission on Media (Carole Cox); and (6) Commission on Reading (Patrick Shannon). Some of the subjects discussed in the report include: the positive trends of teachers using information gained from research and teachers becoming more extensively involved in curriculum development; the integration of all language modes; the effort to establish comprehensive standards in English language arts for which a variety of authentic assessments can be developed; the chilling effect on curricular choices caused by increasingly effective lobbying to privatize education; equity issues; the need for redefining assessment in writing; issues of access, pedagogy, and resources involved with the use of computer and media technology in the writing classroom; the trend toward including writing in the study of literature and literature in the study of writing; the derivation of new interpretive strategies from technologies such as hypermedia, CD ROM, and multimedia; censorship; national trends in media literacy; the need for expanded networking among arts organizations; interdisciplinary approach to media education; and the primary trend in reading education towards national content standards. (RS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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