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Autor/inBjerstedt, Ake
InstitutionLund Univ. (Sweden). Malmo School of Education.
TitelPeace Education: Perspectives from Brazil and India. An Interview with Anima Bose (India) and Zlmarian Jeanne Walker (Brazil). Reprints and Miniprints No. 683.
Quelle(1990), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterConflict Resolution; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Global Approach; Higher Education; History; Interviews; Peace; Values Education; War; Brazil; India
AbstractAs a means of studying ways to help children and young people deal constructively with questions of peace and war, Anima Bose and Zlmarian Jeanne Walker, who have worked to promote peace education in India and Brazil respectively, are interviewed. The influence of Gandhi on the concept of peace in India is emphasized. One cannot teach peace, it must be learned through practice. Peace education must include a form of apprenticeship where students go out into the real world to find out what violence is and what solutions are. Peace education is especially important in this day and time because all of society seems to be overcome by violence, even in entertainment. Peace must not be viewed as "no war." A nation with no war but with injustice, poverty, economic discrimination, and inequity cannot be said to have peace. The teacher is the most responsible person in any peace education course at any level. At the elementary level the examples of parents and teachers and cooperation between them is very important for teaching peace. The interviewees emphasize the lack of materials available to be used in peace education. Peace education should not be taught as a separate subject in elementary school, but included in various subjects. In higher grades it may be emphasized in one particular subject. In secondary school it can be dealt with through the study of international organization, transnational concepts, and the reality of interdependence. (DK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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