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Autor/inFreedman, Susan Alexandra
TitelSocial Activation of the Gender Schema in Female College Students.
Quelle(1992), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Students; Females; Higher Education; Recall (Psychology); Schemata (Cognition); Sex Role; Sex Stereotypes; Social Science Research
AbstractThe term "gender schema" refers to the map or network that incorporates and modifies incoming information pertaining to gender so that it can be utilized. Gender schemas have observable effects, resulting in enhanced recall and shorter response latencies. J. L. Kuethe noted that schemas can be activated by social objects. The current study investigated the possibility of activating the gender schema through interaction with a social object that exhibited stereotypically gender related characteristics. The results of a study examining the gender schemas of female university students are reported. Twenty subjects participated in a computerized reaction-time task designed to measure gender schematicity. An experimental condition was designed to activate or call up the individual's gender schema. No significant interaction between gender schematicity and condition was found. Results did suggest a tendency for those in the experimental condition to respond more quickly to the feminine traits than those in the control condition. This was reversed with the career dimension, however. Those in the experimental condition responded more quickly to traits and more slowly to careers. Subjects were gender schematic, responding more quickly to feminine traits than to neutral traits and to masculine careers more quickly than to feminine careers. An appendix provides the scripts for both the experimental and control conditions. (Contains 42 references.) (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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