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Sonst. PersonenKleinfeld, Judith (Hrsg.); Yerian, Sue (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAlaska Univ., Fairbanks. Center for Cross-Cultural Studies.
TitelTeaching in the North: Gender Tales. Teaching Cases in Cross-Cultural Education, No. 10.
Quelle(1992), (120 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Case Method (Teaching Technique); Case Studies; Elementary School Teachers; Elementary Secondary Education; Females; Higher Education; Mathematics; Personal Narratives; Sciences; Secondary School Teachers; Sex Bias; Sex Discrimination; Teacher Education Programs; Teacher Educators; Teaching Experience; Womens Education
AbstractTeacher educators have begun to explore the value of teaching cases in the preparation of teachers. The 10 cases presented in this casebook were developed by teachers to reflect on the problems of nurturing young women's talent in mathematics and science and are based on teachers' personal and professional experiences. The casebook describes classroom dilemmas in which gender issues surface in both central and subtle ways. Each case is preceeded by a short abstract and followed by an epilogue and a list of questions to consider. In these cases, teachers tell their own stories and reflect on dilemmas they faced and choices they made. For example, a teacher dedicated to the development of mathematical talent in young women describes how she nurtured a mathematically gifted young girl whose interests suddenly switched at adolescence from mathematics to males; or how an elementary enrichment teacher with a strong mathematics background established an accelerated mathematics class for gifted math students only to have her efforts derailed by school politics. Following an introduction which discusses case development, purposes of teaching cases, and studying and teaching a case, the document is organized into two parts: (1) Professional Problems of Female Teachers; and (2) Puzzles Young Women Pose for Teachers. (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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