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Autor/inStrack, Nancy C.
TitelA Survey of Reciprocal Borrowers at Nichols Library, Naperville, Illinois.
Quelle(1992), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBusiness; Community Benefits; Economic Impact; Library Cooperation; Library Networks; Library Services; Public Libraries; Questionnaires; Shared Library Resources; Surveys; Tables (Data); Use Studies; User Satisfaction (Information); Users (Information); Illinois
AbstractThis paper presents results of a survey that examined the spending activities of patrons from other libraries while in Naperville (Illinois) using their reciprocal borrowing privileges at Nichols Library, the local public library. Results of a questionnaire from 100 of the 7,540 registered reciprocal borrowers provide information on: home libraries represented, library systems represented, frequency of visits to the home library, frequency of visits to Nichols Library, reason(s) for visiting Nichols Library, success in finding library material needed, other activities in Naperville, money spent in Naperville, and whether Nichols Library is the user's first choice for library service. It is concluded that reciprocal borrowers are supporting local businesses and adding to the economic welfare of the community. A copy of the questionnaire and a 12-item selected bibliography are included. (Contains 10 references.) (MES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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