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Autor/inn/enAndrews, Michael B.; und weitere
InstitutionAlberta Univ., Edmonton.
TitelAthabasca University/Keyano College Capstone Program. An Evaluation Report.
Quelle(1991), (61 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Freedom; Access to Education; Capstone Experiences; College Credits; College Students; Community Colleges; Distance Education; Extension Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Intercollegiate Cooperation; Program Administration; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; State Colleges; Two Year Colleges; Canada
AbstractAn evaluative study was done of a joint project, the Capstone Program, involving Keyano College (KC) and Athabasca University (AU), both in Alberta, Canada. The project enables students in the Fort McMurray (Alberta) area to complete a full-time university degree without leaving their home community. The research design focused on accessibility, attainment of university credit, credit for previous education, bureaucratic issues, academic problems, perceptions of success, effectiveness and cost issues and recommendations for change suggested by the stakeholders. Data were provided by administrators, instructors, students (past, present and future) and community groups via questionnaires, interviews and relevant records and documents. The evidence from the evaluation strongly supported the continuation of the Capstone Program as a viable system for improving access to postsecondary education. However, the evaluation also identified problems which included issues of mandate, academic freedom, formalization, and administration and operation. For example, the evaluation recommends that AU develop a policy that explicitly recognizes and addresses the mix of alternative delivery systems, and that AU staff, in consultation with KC staff, accelerate the joint production of a professional agreement which underscores collegiality between and among professional and support staff of both institutions. Five appendixes contain a funding proposal, source documents, description of a steering committee, community letters, and questionnaire responses. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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