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Autor/inEkstrom, Ruth B.
TitelAttitudes Toward Borrowing and Participation in Post-secondary Education. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.
Quelle(1991), (30 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Choice; Colleges; Full Time Students; High School Seniors; High Schools; Higher Education; Part Time Students; Paying for College; Student Loan Programs; Two Year Colleges
AbstractA study explored the relationship between high school seniors' attitudes about borrowing for education and the post-secondary education choices they make. With the 1982 "High School and Beyond" data the study used a sample of 9,625 students who were high school seniors in the spring of 1982 to do a descriptive analysis to compare those who were willing to borrow with those who were not and to do a relational analysis to see if attitudes about borrowing were significant after controlling other variables. Results indicated that those willing to borrow were significantly more likely to attend college than those who said that they would delay entrance, attend a less expensive school or get a job. This held true even after controlling for other variables such as educational aspirations, tested achievement, influence from others, and socioeconomic status. This finding supports the contention that students who are reluctant to borrow are less likely to enroll in postsecondary education. Among students who did enroll in college, willingness to borrow was significantly associated with attendance at a four-year college rather than a two-year college and with full-time rather than part-time attendance. Includes 14 tables, 1 figure and 73 references. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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