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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inKnight, William E.
InstitutionKent State Univ., OH. Regional Campuses. Office of Academic Assessment and Evaluation Services.
TitelBachelors Degree Study: The Experiences of May 1991 Bachelors Degree Graduates of Kent State University Who Entered from Regional Campuses.
Quelle(1991), (19 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Academic Persistence; College Credits; College Graduates; College Transfer Students; Comparative Analysis; Grade Point Average; Higher Education; Outcomes of Education; State Universities; Student Characteristics; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges
AbstractA study was conducted examining the characteristics and experiences of spring 1991 Kent State University (KSU) baccalaureate degree recipients who were originally enrolled in one of the seven regional two-year college campuses (RC's). Data were available for 177 degree recipients, representing 92% of all graduates who had originated at the RC's, and comprising 13.5% of the total 1991 graduating population. For comparative purposes, data were gathered for 1991 graduates who had begun their educational career at KSU and for graduates who had transferred to KSU from another four-year college. Study findings included the following: (1) 91% of former two-year college students were white and 61% were female; (2) final cumulative grade point averages were higher for former RC students (3.13 on a four-point scale) than for either KSU entrants (3.04) or other transfer students (3.04); (3) the average cumulative credit hours for RC entrants was 145.7, as compared to 142.1 for KSU entrants, and 148.5 for other transfer students; (4) the average age at graduation was 29 years for RC entrants, 23 for KSU entrants, and 26 for other transfer students; (5) RC entrants averaged 84 credit hours at KSU, and fewer than 25% stopped out during their enrollment at KSU; (6) there were no significant differences in RC entrant semesters or credit hours completed at KSU by gender or ethnicity, nor were there differences in total semesters at KSU by RC attended; and (7) RC entrants completed an average of 11 semesters from RC enrollment to KSU graduation, compared with 10 semesters for KSU entrants. Data tables are included. (PAA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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