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Autor/inBentley, Prudence A.
TitelConfirmation Principles and Procedures of 10- to 24-Month-Old Children: Implications for Teaching the Place Value Notation Concept to Elementary and Preschool Children.
Quelle(1987), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Arithmetic; Attention; Behavior Patterns; Early Childhood Education; Educational Environment; Elementary School Students; Imitation; Infants; Instructional Design; Mathematics Instruction; Place Value; Preschool Children; Teaching Methods
AbstractOver a 14-month period, infants who were initially 10 months old were intermittently allowed to play with three sets of graduated objects presented in disarray. All of the infants acquired the ability to completely organize the materials. The infants exhibited patterned behavior in their organizing practices when they individualized objects by handling them one after another, filled and emptied containers one by one, nested the objects, established object identity patterns, and exhaustively imitated these patterns. The paper explores inferences from the infants' organizing procedures which can be applied to the task of communicating the place value concept, base ten, to preschool and elementary school children. Two questions are raised and answered: (1) In the learning environment staged for the infants, what principles functioned to guide their focal attention? and (2) What mechanisms caused change and continuity in the infants' behavior? It is asserted that continuous direct imitation of initially established identity patterns inevitably led to the infants' displays of organization; interruption was the causal mechanism of change; imitation the causal mechanism of continuity. Discussion specifies six rules of practice used by all the infants in organizing the materials and suggests requirements for an instructional plan for teaching the place value notation concept to children. The plan is similar to the research design of the study of infants. (RH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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