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Autor/inGreenwood, John
TitelThe Case for Content across the Curriculum As Well As Language.
Quelle(1985), (11 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCurriculum Design; Educational Strategies; English (Second Language); Foreign Countries; Intellectual Disciplines; Interdisciplinary Approach; Language Role; Language Skills; Learning Processes; Reading Instruction; Second Language Instruction; Skill Development; Study Skills; Teacher Role; Teaching Methods; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractThe language-across-the-curriculum (LAC) movement in Britain began in the 1960s with a few secondary school experiments, from which developed more coordinated attempts to lower interdisciplinary barriers. This movement was characterized by emphasis on the language-learning link, the crucial role of discussion in the learning process, and the democratization of instruction. By the mid-1970s, there was general agreement on the following points: (1) subject teachers should communicate more among themselves because of their common interest in the role of language in learning; (2) policy for LAC should be developed as a more general learning policy; (3) learning involves not only language and content, but also study skills; and (4) LAC is a common responsibility of all disciplines, not just English departments. A major obstacle in establishing a common language policy has been the traditional subject-based curriculum. LAC proponents might be more successful if they were to convince teachers of the importance of language in their individual disciplines and then integrate content among disciplines. This is also true for situations in which English is taught as a second language, where English teachers can help by using school subjects as the content of English lessons. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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