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Autor/inn/enSanders, James R.; Sonnad, Subhash R.
InstitutionAgency for Instructional Television, Bloomington, IN.
TitelResearch on the Introduction, Use, and Impact of the "ThinkAbout" Instructional Televsision Series. Volume I. Technical Report.
Quelle(1982), (241 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Television; Elementary Education; Information Seeking; Intermediate Grades; Language Arts; Mathematics Instruction; Problem Solving; Research Design; School Surveys; Standardized Tests; Study Skills; Teacher Attitudes; Television Research; Television Viewing; Use Studies
AbstractThis volume is the first of 5 constituting the final research project report on the introduction, use, and impact of ThinkAbout, a series of 60 15-minute instructional television programs for fifth and sixth graders designed to strengthen reasoning skills and to review and to reinforce language arts, mathematics, and study skills. Background information provided in this volume includes the project's history, audiences, and purposes, and descriptions of the complete report and supporting materials. Study procedures described include the research design, data collection instruments, project schedule, data management procedures, and research limitations. Data from program user and nonuser classrooms in Iowa, Mississippi, Oregon, and Pennsylvania that are reported are based on (1) the administration of seven tests from the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills achievement battery, which included an instrument to measure attitudes toward problem-solving, problem-solving exercises, measures of self-management of the learning process, and measures of effective expressions; (2) responses from a context questionnaire administered to user and nonuser teachers; and (3) an end-of-the-year questionnaire administered to user teachers. Findings of four national surveys of user teachers are also presented. Discussion and interpretations of the data conclude this report. Thirty-one references are listed. (LMM)
AnmerkungenAgency for Instructional Technology, Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402 ($6.00 per copy).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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