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Sonst. PersonenBell, Beverley (Hrsg.)
InstitutionWaikato Univ., Hamilton (New Zealand).
TitelTeaching about Animal, Plant, Living. Part 1. Learning in Science Project. Working Paper No. 31.
Quelle(1981), (27 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Animals; Biology; Comprehension; Concept Formation; Concept Teaching; Curriculum Development; Elementary School Science; Elementary Secondary Education; Learning; Science Activities; Science Education; Science Instruction; Scientific Concepts; Secondary School Science; Teaching Methods; New Zealand
AbstractPresented is a guide for teaching activities produced as a result of a Learning in Science Project investigation which showed that children often have quite different meanings for the words "animal,""plant," and "living" than do scientists. Included are: (1) focus of instruction at different educational levels; (2) a suggested teaching program; (3) survey instruments; (4) an outline to categorizing activities; and (5) guidelines for teaching about reasons (emphasizing the scientific reasons used in the process of categorization). Major instructional foci include: increasing children's awareness of living things, animals, and plants by providing opportunities to observe these different phenomena (Level 1); developing classification skills, and classifying living things, plants, and animals as scientists do (Levels 2-3); contrasting scientists' meanings for these words with the metaphoric and everyday use of the words (Level 4); and considering reasons scientists use for classifying things into living, non-living, animal, and plant (Level 5). The survey instruments are provided for teachers to find out what students mean by the words "animal,""plant," and "living thing" before and after a teaching/learning episode. (JN)
AnmerkungenUniversity of Waikato, Science Education Research Unit, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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