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Autor/inn/enLarason, Larry; DiCarlo, Rebecca
TitelPersonal Space and User Preference for Patterns of Carrel Arrangement in an Academic Library.
Quelle(1982), (31 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCarrels; College Libraries; Diagrams; Furniture Arrangement; Higher Education; Library Equipment; Library Facilities; Library Research; Models; Personal Space; Sex Differences; Space Utilization; Tables (Data); Use Studies
AbstractBased on a series of six field experiments conducted from 1978 through 1981 at Northeast Louisiana University's Sandel Library, this report examines user preferences related to library carrel arrangement in the context of personal space theory. A brief review of research on personal space requirements and a description of Sandel Library and its users precede a composite plan of the library's third floor, which was the location for the field experiments. The various study phases described include experiments with carrels in free-standing, sheltered, partially sheltered, wall-facing, and double row positions and data collection on pattern preference by sex of user. It was found that carrel pattern and position exert significant effects on carrel use and that females and males display significant differences in preference for particular carrel arrangements. The proxemic model of human behavior proposed by Edward T. Hall was used to develop a 4-point model of average user preference. Diagrams and photographs of carrel patterns are presented throughout the report, as well as tables of data on the advantages, disadvantages, and user preference for each carrel arrangement and diagrams showing personal space zones in relation to carrel positioning. Six references are listed. (Author/ESR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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