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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionResearch for Better Schools, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
TitelKnowledge Interpretation Program for Citizenship Education: Dissemination Phase: Final Report.
Quelle(1980), (131 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCitizenship Education; Community Role; Conferences; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Criteria; Guides; Higher Education; Information Dissemination; Methods; Parent Role; Periodicals
AbstractThis final report describes the activities, methodology, and outcomes of the dissemination phase of the Knowledge Interpretation Program for Citizenship Education of Research for Better Schools, Inc. (RBS). The report also outlines a number of issues associated with the planning and conduct of the RBS Program and addresses these issues from RBS' perspective. It is hoped that future efforts in this area will benefit from RBS' experiences. The goal of the project was to make practitioners and policy makers aware of the importance of citizenship education. The first part of the report, dealing with dissemination activities, procedures, and outcomes, is sequenced according to the four quarters in the Dissemination Phase timeline. Within this sequence, the discussion is organized according to the five categories of program activities: product development, conferences, journal submission, cost-free distribution, and miscellaneous. Two guides were developed--"Words Into Action: A Classroom Guide To Children's Citizenship Education" and "Words Into Action: A Home and Community Guide to Children's Citizenship Education." Articles were submitted to various journals. Three "Blueprints for Citizens: Words Into Action" conference were held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, St. Louis, Missouri, and Phoenix, Arizona. The section of the report examines seven issues of time frame (there could have been more time allowed); advisory panel (well worth the money spent on it); publicity and awareness techniques (conferences are very effective ways to raise awareness); printing (difficulties encountered here); indicators of impact (a more formal assessment is needed); funder's role (funder has a great deal of influence on the project's outcomes); and overall impact (goals of project were met). The appendices, which comprise over half of the report, contain many documents including a sample conference program, evaluations from the conferences, and promotional brochure for the two guides produced. (Author/RM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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