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Autor/inJackson, Dorothy J.
TitelAdministrative and Research Development Programs for Women and Minorities: The Need and Response.
Quelle(1980), (22 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Administrator Education; Black Teachers; Budgeting; College Administration; College Faculty; Educational Finance; Faculty Development; Feasibility Studies; Governance; Higher Education; Improvement Programs; Inservice Education; Institutes (Training Programs); Internship Programs; Leadership Qualities; Minority Groups; Professional Training; Researchers; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Background; Women Faculty
AbstractThe status of women and minorities in higher education is discussed, and two intervention strategies are described that were implemented by the Higher Education Resource Service (HERS, Mid-Atlantic) of the University of Pennsylvania to assist in training and advancement. In conjunction with Bryn Mawr College, HERS designed a month-long summer institute to train women in academic governance, finance and budgeting, management and leadership skills, and administrative computing application. It was found that the 1979 summer institute participants were a highly career-oriented group whose self-imposed expectations demand an intensive academic curriculum. Differences were found between participants whose prime responsibility is administration and those who concentrate on teaching. Administrators found the total course and the computing, management, and professional development units more applicable than did the faculty. Faculty wanted more academic content and rigor in the curriculum. HERS also conducted a junior faculty survey to determine the feasibility of establishing a research training internship for women and minority junior faculty in four-year Mid-Atlantic colleges. A questionnaire asked respondents to provide general information on their personal background, on the home institution, academic field, training, experience and research activity. They were asked to indicate thelr interest in participating in a possible internship training program and to offer suggestions for such a training program. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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