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Sonst. PersonenHertzog, James F. (Mitarb.) ; Seiverling, Richard F. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionPennsylvania State Dept. of Education, Harrisburg. Bureau of Planning and Evaluation.
TitelEducational Quality Assessment Manual for Interpreting Elementary School Reports.
Quelle(1977), (109 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Educational Assessment; Educational Objectives; Educational Quality; Elementary Schools; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Measurement Techniques; Questionnaires; School Statistics; State Legislation; State Surveys; Statistical Data; Student Attitudes; Student Evaluation; Tables (Data); Teacher Attitudes; Pennsylvania
AbstractThis manual is designed to aid school administrators and other staff members in interpreting and understanding the Educational Quality Assessment Inventory for Pennsylvania elementary and secondary schools. This volume is keyed to elementary schools, with a sample status profile for the fifth grade. The statistical data in these profiles are compiled from the Pennsylvania Student Questionnaires, which measure (by aggregate student scores) a school's status in relation to ten goals of quality education. These comprehensive goals, intended to fill the Pennsylvania legislature's mandate to annually assess educational quality, include measures for both cognitive and attitudinal development. Scores for individual schools are compared with scores from "normative" schools. Data on teacher and student attitudes, as well as on school characteristics, are included. This manual describes the nature of the questionnaires, procedures for their administration, the process for determining a school's percentile rank in the state, and other methods for scoring and interpreting survey results. (Author/DS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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