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Autor/inWallace, Terry H. Smith
TitelA Systematic Approach to Instruction in English Composition.
Quelle(1977), (22 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Behavioral Objectives; Course Organization; English Instruction; Higher Education; Models; Systems Approach; Teaching Methods; Units of Study; Writing (Composition); Writing Skills
AbstractThis paper describes a systematic approach to composition instruction and provides evidence of that system's successful implementation. The approach is based on Benjamin S. Bloom's Taxonomy and has five stages: presenting the student with reasons for learning the material, listing immediate and long-range instructional objectives, preassessing students' abilities to see if they have already achieved the objectives, prescribing and performing a variety of learning activities (including self-quizzes, class discussions, presentations, and student/teacher conferences), and making periodic evaluations to see if students have reached their goals. The five stages are used for each writing assignment or each unit of study within the composition course. Examples of unit outlines, self-quizzes, and questions from revision data sheets illustrate the ways the five stages can be applied to units of study on composition. The responses from pre-course and post-course student evaluations indicate that this systematic approach facilitates the learning of composition skills and that students completing the course had a more positive attitude toward literary composition. (RL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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