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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC.
TitelReport to the Librarian of Congress from the Task Force on Goals, Organization, and Planning.
Quelle(1977), (872 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Organization; Administrative Policy; Library Administration; Library Planning; Library Services; Library Surveys; Program Descriptions; Program Improvement; Use Studies
AbstractThe Task Force on Goals, Organization, and Planning, established in January 1976 to review the operations of the Library of Congress (LC), recommends changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution. Suggestions are made without regard to budgetary restraints. Major recommendations included in Part I concern the areas of: (1) service to Congress, (2) basic responsibilities, (3) national role, (4) collections and information services, (5) the library researcher, (6) collection development, (7) bibliographic and collection control, (8) cultural and educational programs, (9) staff development and communication, (10) planning and management, and (11) service opportunities. Part II consists of the working papers used and generated by the Task Force, and reports of meetings and procedures. Reports of the following subcommittees appear in Part III: (1) Area Studies; (2) Automation and Reference Service; (3) Bibliographic Access; (4) Bibliographic Role of the Library; (5) Collections, Development, and Preservation; (6) Cultural Role of the Library; (7) Documents; (8) Loan and Photoduplication Services; (9) Serials; (10) Services to Congress; (11) Services to Librarians; (12) Staff as Users; and (13) Training and Career Development. Part IV, advisory group reports, will be a separate entry when available. (KP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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