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Autor/inn/enTomala, Jerzy; und weitere
TitelThe Access to Higher Schools in Poland (In the Aspect of Social Equality and Economic Development).
Quelle(1976), (77 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; College Entrance Examinations; Criteria; Educational History; Educational Opportunities; Educational Quality; Equal Education; Higher Education; Policy Formation; Rural Urban Differences; Rural Youth; Scholarships; Socioeconomic Influences; Vocational Education; Poland
AbstractAnalyzing the effects of higher education accessibility, the present state of difficulties re: accessibility, and the functioning of various means of accessibility compensation, this paper presents the development of Polish education in terms of the social, political, and economic systems operative during the inter-war period (1918-39) and the post-war period (1945-75). Emphasizing past and current discrepancies between rural and urban and peasant and intelligentsia educational opportunities, this paper presents both quantitative and qualitative data relative to: curricula; socioeconomic influences; parental influences; vocational orientation; social selection; entrance and qualifying exams; achievement standards; intramural discrimination; preferential criteria; equalization measures; scholarships; education quality and effectiveness; institutional proximity; educational costs; educational mobility; and comprehensive educational orientations. The current economic policy of Poland is described as one aimed at "socio-economic development", a policy emphasizing the interdependency of social and economic development; wherein, higher education is ascribed the role of developing the general culture of the Nation, the proper and harmonious domains of social life, and the satisfaction of individual aspirations, as well as technical expertise. (JC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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