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Autor/inHamilton, I. Bruce
InstitutionEducational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.
TitelThe Third Century. Postsecondary Planning for the Nontraditional Learner.
Quelle(1976), (354 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Students; Continuing Education Centers; Educational Innovation; Extension Education; Higher Education; Interviews; Parent Education; Special Degree Programs; State Colleges; State Universities; Statewide Planning; Statistical Data; Surveys; Tables (Data); Iowa
AbstractA statewide study of the needs of continuing education opportunities for persons motivated toward further study but unable to take advantage of conventional delivery systems of postsecondary education is reported. Four data collective activities were utilized: a learning interest interview field poll of 800 respondents; an inventory of current programs in Iowa for nontraditional students; a 3 to 5 percent sample survey of adult and part-time nontraditional learners currently enrolled in programs; and a series of eight group interviews of nonenrolled adults in separate geographical regions. Data were also gathered first-hand from the institutions themselves. Trends in other states were studied as well. Conclusions and recommendations are outlined regarding policies, balance, expansion, Iowa Commonwealth College, services, cooperation, and data. Projections of the learning population in the year 2000 were used to emphasize the potential magnitude of the national enrollment, and it was found that in Iowa an even larger percentage of the population will be adults and/or retired. It is suggested that if Iowa is successful in adapting its educational enterprises, the nontraditional learner will not only be well-served but will have become the traditional learner by the year 2000. (LBH)
AnmerkungenEducational Testing Service, Office of New Degree Programs, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 ($5.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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