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Autor/inWood, James L.
InstitutionAmerican Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. Chemical Abstracts Service.
TitelA Review of the Availability of Primary Scientific and Technical Documents within the United States, Volume III. Final Report.
Quelle(1969), (505 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAbstracts; Indexes; Information Seeking; Information Services; Information Sources; Interlibrary Loans; Library Materials; Library Services; Research Reports; Use Studies
AbstractVolume III of a three-volume report on the availability of primary scientific and technical documents within the U.S. contains the bibliography and 28 appendixes that provide supportive material for the study. Volume I (LI 002 454) contains a summary of the objectives and results of the study, and Volume II (LI 002 455) presents the detailed methodology and findings of the study. (AB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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