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Autor/inPings, Vern M.
InstitutionKentucky, OH, Michigan Regional Medical Library, Detroit, MI.
TitelMonitoring and Measuring Document Delivery Service. Papers and Reports, No. 2.
Quelle(1969), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCost Effectiveness; Costs; Data Analysis; Interlibrary Loans; Library Circulation; Library Networks; Library Services; Medical Libraries; Operations Research; Program Evaluation; Regional Libraries; Time; Use Studies
AbstractThe service receiving first priority in the new regional medical library (RML) program is that of document delivery. Since this is a federally sponsored program, monitoring devices must be established to determine if the program is accomplishing the aim of improving access to medical information. In this paper, two perspectives are used on which to base a design for measurement of document delivery services and on which to base performance standards: (1) the cost to the user of this service, and (2) the efficiency of the procedures. One overriding factor governs the design for measurement: a more precise definition of what variables are to be included with different measurements is necessary before any realistic performance standards can be established. Three sources of data are suggested: (1) the records generated in making requests, (2) the user time involved, and (3) the operational procedures in providing the service. Four priorities for analyzing this data are then suggested: (1) determining who uses the service, (2) analyzing reasons for unfilled requests, (3) collecting and analyzing data on request and loan processing time, and (4) establishing the actual user real time cost in using the service for different environments. (Author/JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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