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Autor/inBatel, Günther
TitelZur musikalischen Sozialisation von Auszubildenden.
QuelleAus: Behne, Klaus-E. (Hrsg.): Musikalische Sozialisation. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag (1981) S. 164-175
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ReiheMusikpädagogische Forschung. 2
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterEmpirische Untersuchung; Fragebogenerhebung; Interview; Umfrage; Sozialpsychologie; Verhalten; Mediennutzung; Konzert; Konzertbesuch; Musik; Musikalische Sozialisation; Musikhören; Musikinstrument; Musikpädagogik; Musikunterricht; Freizeit; Festival; Präferenz; Diskothek; Auszubildender
AbstractIt seems to be absolutely necessary to complete our knowledge about the musical behavior of the young generation by some specific aspects of their musical socializing process. A research project was realized therefore, in which a number of young people from varying social backgrounds and levels of education were questioned about the general circumstances of their lives, as well as their individual musical behavior. A standard questionnaire was used to collect the social data; personal interviews with the subjects recorded their statements about musical training, instruments played, content and extent of daily listening, attendance at concerts, festivals and discotheques, leisure-time activities, purchase of phono equipment, and their total spendings for music. The results of this study illustrate, that the musical behavior of the young generation can be interpreted only as a complex interaction between social-psychological factors and individual experiences in the musical socializing process of the individual. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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