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Autor/inn/enMichael, Jessica M.; Morris-Dueer, Vicky; Reichert, M. Shawn
TitelDifferential Effects of Participation in an Outdoor Orientation Program for Incoming Students
QuelleIn: Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 9 (2017) 1, S.42-55 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterOutdoor Education; Orientation; First Year Seminars; Graduation Rate; Research Universities; Undergraduate Students; School Holding Power; Academic Persistence; Gender Differences; Disadvantaged; Outcomes of Education; College Entrance Examinations; Grade Point Average; High School Students; Student Characteristics; Student Financial Aid; Regression (Statistics); Ethnicity; Probability; Profiles; Statistical Analysis; SAT (College Admission Test); ACT Assessment
AbstractIn this research, we examine the first-year student participants in a first-year seminar outdoor orientation program (OOP) compared to first-year students who participate in the traditional first-year seminar at a large research institution. The effect of residency status, gender, and ethnicity on the students' success suggests that OOP participants are 5% more likely to return in their following fall and are over 6% more likely to graduate within 6 years, regardless of residency status or gender. Further results suggest a larger effect on first-year experiences for low Expected Family Contribution (EFC) students, allowing them to achieve student success similar to more financially advantaged peers. As EFC increases, the effect of OOP participation decreases for retention and graduation outcomes. Additionally, retaining an OOP student provides a financial gain in total estimated additional revenue for AY 2004-2013 of $3,902,680. This is associated with a 1-year increase in retention as a result of OOP participation. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenSagamore Publishing LLC. 1807 North Federal Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Tel: 800-327-5557; Tel: 217-359-5940; Fax: 217-359-5975; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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