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Autor/inn/enPhares, Vicky; Fields, Sherecce; Watkins-Clay, M. Monica; Kamboukos, Dimitra; Han, Sena
TitelRace/Ethnicity and Self-Esteem in Families of Adolescents
QuelleIn: Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 27 (2005) 3, S.13-26 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterRacial Differences; Self Esteem; Ethnicity; African Americans; Hispanic Americans; Cultural Differences; Adolescents; Whites; Mothers; Fathers; Self Concept
AbstractSelf-esteem and perceived competence have only been explored minimally in family studies with ethnically diverse samples. The current study explores self-esteem and perceived competence in a sample of adolescents, their mothers, and their fathers from three racial/ ethnic groups: African American, Hispanic/Latino/Latina, and Caucasian. Results show that African American mothers report higher perceptions of athletic competence than Caucasian or Hispanic/Latina mothers. African American fathers and Hispanic/Latino fathers report higher perceptions of physical appearance and global self-worth than Caucasian fathers. Adolescents' reports of perceived competence and global self-worth did not differ across racial/ethnic groups. Significant associations within the family were found for some domains of perceived competence. Results are discussed in terms of functioning within families of different racial/ethnic groups. (Author).
AnmerkungenThe Haworth Press Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904. Tel: 800-429-6784 (Toll Free); Fax: 800-895-0582 (Toll Free); e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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