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Autor/inHill, Rebecca
TitelTurning the Page: Forget about Those Bulky Backbreakers, Digital Textbooks Are the Future
QuelleIn: School Library Journal, 56 (2010) 10, S.24-27 (4 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTextbooks; Educational Technology; Media Specialists; Educational Resources; Internet; Electronic Publishing; School Libraries; Librarians
AbstractRemember when computers were mostly used in offices? They were big and bulky with about as much mobility as a beached whale. Forget about using them in the classroom. Forget about reading a book on them. Forget about an app, well, for anything. Today, computers are the number-one educational tool. In fact, no one can imagine a school without one. They're so integral to learning that many schools are on the fast track to making digital textbooks part of daily classroom life. There's no denying that economics are fueling the move toward digital materials, but it's also about staying on top of what keeps students actively engaged. Stepping up smartly means turning individualized learning on its head with digital materials. With econtent, it's easier to customize student learning on all levels. Increasingly, the digital textbook is evolving from a static PDF to a more pliable resource that can incorporate other electronic options. One model is flexbooks, digital textbooks that utilize a web-based collaborative model, include open educational resources, and enable educators to customize and produce their own textbooks. What makes the flexbook unique is that using it, teachers can integrate a variety of tools and information like videos, hyperlinks, or simulations to make their lessons more interactive. In addition to the flexbook with literacy support, there's the original CK-12 flexbook for more advanced students and one with special accommodations like text-to-speech for kids with special needs. Educators can teach the same concepts and still support students with a wide range of learning levels. It's the perfect time for library media specialists to assume their place at the digital learning table. After all, they're the most qualified for managing this constantly evolving environment. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLibrary Journals, LLC. Available from: Media Source, Inc. 160 Varick Street 11th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Tel: 646-380-0700; Fax: 646-380-0756; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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