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Autor/inHoward, Jody K.
TitelInformation Specialist and Leader--Taking on Collection and Curriculum Mapping
QuelleIn: School Library Monthly, 27 (2010) 1, S.35-37 (3 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSchool Libraries; Guidelines; Librarians; Media Specialists; Instructional Leadership; Library Role; Concept Mapping; Alignment (Education); Librarian Teacher Cooperation; Curriculum Development
Abstract"Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs (American Association of School Librarians, 2009) continues to support the four original roles of the school librarian identified in "Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning" (American Association of School Librarians/Association for Educational Communication and Technology, 1998). These roles include: instructional partner, information specialist, teacher, and program administrator. The 2009 guidelines, however, include a fifth role--leader. Two of these roles, instructional partner and information specialist, speak directly to the leadership role of the school librarian in the area of curriculum. Both of these roles are extensive and cover the gamut from knowing and aligning the curriculum with the resources available to students and teachers to working with teachers on the development of inquiry-based lessons. This article examines the roles of the information specialist and leadership as it relates to collection and curriculum mapping. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLibraries Unlimited. Subscription Department, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881. Tel: 888-371-0152; Fax: 203-454-8662; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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