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Autor/inBeck, John E.
TitelTesting a Personal Construct Theory Model of the Experiential Learning Process: A. The Impact of Invalidation on the Construing Processes of Participants in Sensitivity Training Groups.
QuelleIn: Small Group Behavior, 19 (1988) 1, S.79-102Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAttitude Measures; Cognitive Processes; College Students; Emotional Response; Experiential Learning; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Interpersonal Communication; Learning Theories; Models; Sensitivity Training; Workshops; Singapore
AbstractOutlines model of experiential learning process based on personal construct theory. Suggests that, through sensitivity training, participants' construct systems become modified, either by defining constructs to understand self and others, or by incorporating new themes into the construct system to provide broader understanding of interpersonal phenomena. Addresses the emotional states experienced when the construct system is invalidated. (Author/KS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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