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Autor/inn/enVlachos, Athanasios; Zamfirov, Milen
TitelUsing Concept Maps to Teach Dyslexic Students Science: The Educators' Approach
QuelleIn: Open Journal for Educational Research, 1 (2017) 2, S.91-108 (18 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Vlachos, Athanasios)
ORCID (Zamfirov, Milen)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterConcept Mapping; Dyslexia; Science Instruction; Teacher Attitudes; Scientific Concepts; Teaching Methods; Secondary School Science; Science Teachers; Chemistry; Biology; Physics; Foreign Countries; Teacher Student Relationship; Questionnaires; Secondary School Teachers; Secondary School Students; Greece
AbstractIn this paper educators provide a valuable feedback in the use of concept maps in secondary education. More specifically their use in teaching dyslexic students Science. Almost 100 educators replied to an online questionnaire after they studied a set of evaluation sheets provided to them based on concept maps. We will begin with a brief presentation of the specific learning difficulty of dyslexia; following that are the main general characteristics and challenges that dyslexic students face. Also, the organization of Science classes for the dyslexic student is briefly discussed. Then information regarding concept maps is given. A presentation and quick discussion of four evaluation sheets with concept maps in the science subjects of Chemistry, Biology and Physics is performed. The main part of this paper presents the questionnaire along with a discussion regarding its results. Finally, conclusion are drawn and future work is mentioned. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCenter for Open Access in Science. Vojvode Vlahovica 57c, Belgrade, Serbia 11000. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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