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Autor/inn/enMora, Raúl Alberto; Chiquito, Tatiana; Giraldo, Maryori; Uribe, Sara; Salazar Patiño, Tatiana
TitelExploring the Narratives of Tattoos and Graffiti as Second Language Literacies in the City
Quelle(2016), (27 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Mora, Raúl Alberto)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterUrban Areas; Language Attitudes; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Written Language; Human Body; Ethnography; Language Usage; Self Concept; Personal Narratives; Popular Culture; Photography; Spanish; Visual Arts; Foreign Countries; Colombia
AbstractSince 2013, our research team has discovered that English is no longer "foreign" to Colombian language ecologies. As a follow-up to our initial research on physical spaces, this study provides a more personal dimension of these second language literacies. Through our conceptual framework of "city as literacy" and narrative ethnography as our method of inquiry, our data inquires on why urban dwellers choose to write words in English on their skin (tattoos) and on the walls of our city (graffiti). Our data indicates that the particular affordances of English, including its choices of language economy, provide more powerful alternative and mores spaces for transgression for these second language users to explore their own heritage, social situatedness, and identity at large. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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