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Autor/inZozuliak-Sluchyk, Roksoliana
TitelPedagogical System for Forming Professional Ethics in Future Social Workers at Universities
Quelle18 (2019) 1, S.37-41 (5 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Zozuliak-Sluchyk, Roksoliana)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSocial Work; Caseworkers; Ethics; Standards; Professionalism; Counselor Training; Teaching Methods; Universities; Moral Values; Moral Development; Decision Making; Skill Development; Social Adjustment; Empathy; Humanism; Justice; Human Dignity; Prosocial Behavior; Goal Orientation; Student Motivation; Ideology; Creativity; Behavior Standards; Modeling (Psychology)
AbstractThe article presents key components of a pedagogical system for professional and ethical training of future social workers, which contribute to increasing their level of professional ethics. It determines the essence of the pedagogical system, which unities the processes of forming, developing, education and learning with all forms, methods and terms of their occurrence. The pedagogical system for forming professional ethics in future social workers at universities is described. It is considered as the multiplicity of interrelated components necessary for an organized and purposeful professional and pedagogical influence on the process of developing moral and ethical qualities in future specialists. The objectives of the pedagogical system for forming professional ethics in future social workers are determined. They are the following: professional and ideological (to form moral consciousness in students; to intensify their activities in professional and ethical training); behavioural and deontological (to facilitate the processes of decision-making in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics, to acquire skills in ethical modelling and predicting production situations, to follow moral and ethical norms); personally significant (to consolidate such personal qualities as humanism, ethical maturity, responsibility, sense of justice, dignity and respect for others, tolerance, politeness, decency, empathy, attentiveness, diligence, sincerity, sociability, social adaptability). The possible stages of forming professional ethics in future social workers at universities are outlined. They are as follows: the motivation and goals stage (preparing students to understand the goals of professional training, which enhance their motivation to form professional ethics); the procedure stage (it builds relevant knowledge, skills, experience and develops personally and professionally important qualities in students with the help of content, forms, methods and technologies); the evaluation and diagnostics stage (it verifies the efficiency of the introduced pedagogical system and is implemented through such components as motivation and values, cognitive and ideological aspects, activities and behaviour, personal and positional aspects, reflexive and creative aspects). (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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