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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionPEPNet 2
TitelState Team Planning Tools: Building State Capacity to Address Critical Issues in Deaf Education--Transition from Secondary Education to Postsecondary Options, 2011-2016
Quelle(2017), (29 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Statewide Planning; Educational Planning; Capacity Building; Deafness; Secondary Education; Postsecondary Education; Delivery Systems; Educational Objectives; Program Design; High School Graduates; Educational Strategies; Outcome Measures; Success; Educational Finance; Stakeholders; Partnerships in Education; Program Evaluation; Information Dissemination; Sustainability; Strategic Planning; Worksheets
AbstractThe overall goal of the "Building State Capacity Summit" series was to enhance successful outcomes for students leaving high school, whether it is matriculation in a postsecondary education or training program, or employment. Young adults who are deaf or hard or hearing face barriers that inhibit these successful outcomes. One way to mitigate these barriers is by effecting positive change in the way services are provided. The Summit offered information geared toward changing practice, and assisted state teams in creating change within their states. These changes might be reflected in service delivery, policy development and implementation, or methods for cross-system collaboration and coordination of efforts. A variety of strategies, structures, and tools to help teams address their goals were shared during the annual Summit assemblies. For the Summit planning committee, these tools offered organization that allowed pepnet 2 to (1) capture outcomes; (2) manage the overall collaboration; and (3) support the state teams. For the Summit state teams, these tools provided (1) a shared language with which to plan and discuss the work; (2) identify their own state's desired outcomes, and (3) design a roadmap to accomplishment. For everyone involved, the processes provided a mechanism for state teams to learn from each other, and a structure to nourish the state team members both cognitively and psychologically. This addendum provides the reader with an easy-to-access source for the tools described in more detail in "A Retrospective Look at Collaboration, Commitment and Accomplishment: Pepnet 2 Building State Capacity Summit Series, 2011-2016" (ED590239). (ERIC).
Anmerkungenpepnet 2. 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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