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Autor/inPenner, Emily K.
TitelEarly Parenting and the Reduction of Educational Inequality in Childhood and Adolescence
Quelle(2018), (58 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEqual Education; Socioeconomic Status; Child Rearing; Kindergarten; Elementary School Students; Middle School Students; Learner Engagement; Parent Child Relationship; Discipline; Social Differences; Mathematics Achievement; Reading Achievement; Science Achievement; Achievement Gains; Longitudinal Studies; Surveys; Children; Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey
AbstractSocio-economic status (SES) differences in parenting are often implicated in widening the SES-achievement gap. Using nationally representative data (N = 12,887), this study tests for variation across SES in the types and intensity of parenting behaviors utilized and then examines SES differences in the relationship between parenting and student achievement growth from kindergarten through eighth grade. Exploratory factor analysis identifies three dimensions of early parenting: Educational Engagement, Stimulating Parent-Child Interaction, and Discursive Discipline. Regression results indicate that all three dimensions are used most heavily by high-SES families. However, only Educational Engagement consistently predicts achievement growth. Surprisingly, it is positively associated with achievement for lower-, but not higher-SES students in first through eighth grades. Further, Educational Engagement is beneficial for low-SES children because it is particularly beneficial for low-achieving students, consistent with a compensatory hypothesis. [This paper was published in "Journal of Educational Research" v111 n2 p213-231 2018 (EJ1167899).] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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