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InstitutionAnnie E. Casey Foundation
TitelKIDS COUNT Data Book, 2015: State Trends in Child Well-Being
Quelle(2015), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterWell Being; Child Welfare; Economic Factors; Access to Education; Child Health; Family Environment; Community; Environmental Influences; Neighborhoods; Poverty; Family Income; Educational Quality; Family Programs; Employment Level; Socioeconomic Status; Housing; Adolescents; Out of School Youth; Preschool Education; Grade 4; Grade 8; Reading Skills; Mathematics Skills; High School Graduates; Time to Degree; Body Weight; Health Insurance; Infants; Death; Substance Abuse; One Parent Family; Educational Attainment; Parent Background; Early Parenthood; Geographic Location; United States
AbstractThe "KIDS COUNT Data Book" is an annual publication that assesses child well-being nationally and across the 50 states, as well as in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Using an index of 16 indicators, the report ranks states on overall child well-being and in economic well-being, education, health and family and community. The "2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book" focuses on America's children in the midst of the country's economic recovery. While data show improvements in child health and education, more families are struggling to make ends meet, and a growing number of kids live in high-poverty neighborhoods. In addition to ranking states in several areas of child well-being, the report also examines the influence of parents' education, health and other life circumstances on their children. The following are appended: (1) Child Well-Being Rankings; and (2) Data for 16 Indicators of Child Well-Being. Information about the KIDS COUNT Index, definitions and data sources, and primary contacts for state KIDS COUNT projects are included. [For "KIDS COUNT Data Book, 2014: State Trends in Child Well-Being," see ED546833.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAnnie E. Casey Foundation. 701 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. Tel: 410-547-6600; Fax: 410-547-6624; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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