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Autor/inn/enGraesser, Art; Rodriguez, Gina; Brasiel, Sarah J.
InstitutionGeorge W. Bush Presidential Center, George W. Bush Institute
TitelHow Learning and Cognitive Science Can Improve Student Outcomes. Middle School Matters Program No. 1
Quelle(2013), (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterMiddle School Students; Best Practices; Teaching Methods; Cognitive Science; Learning Processes; Educational Principles; Educational Practices; Skill Development; Feedback (Response); Problem Solving; Maintenance; Mathematics Instruction
AbstractThere are research-based principles and practices from the learning and cognitive sciences that can be applied to all content areas in middle grades education to improve student outcomes. Even teachers of courses like Physical Education can consider these strategies for assisting students in remembering rules of sports, different sports strategies, etc. More importantly, these principles and practices can provide study skills for students to prepare them for the increased rigor of high school coursework, where they may experience final exams for the first time. Therefore, the more these principles and practices can become adopted and implemented school-wide, the more proficient students will become in their use. This will enable middle grade students to have the skills they need not only for high school success, but also for success in postsecondary education and/or future careers. This report provides few questions school leaders might ask while providing instructional leadership, observing classrooms, and working with teachers, and how Dr. Graesser would respond based on his knowledge of research in the learning and cognitive sciences. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenGeorge W. Bush Institute, Education Reform Initiative. 2943 SMU Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75205. Tel: 214-200-4300; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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