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Autor/inn/enAfsari, Ali; Sattar, Reza
TitelHow Iranian People Engage Sport and Physical Education Regarding Managerial Changes From the Beginning of Achaemenian Dynasty to End of Pahlavi Kingdom
Quelle(2012), S.676-683 (8 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPhysical Education; Islam; Foreign Countries; Athletics; World History; Politics of Education; Social History; Political Issues; Religious Factors; Social Influences; Females; Cultural Influences; Geography; Governance; Iran
AbstractSport and physical education has been changed in Iran regarding historical, social, political, and economical and managerial changes, situation of political and natural geography, religion, social, and political movements. Sport and physical education, as one of elements affecting individual and social life of Iranian people in the history (Javid, 1971), is affected by several factors which are considered in this research with regard to the social and political life of Iranian people either in variety or in development and changes, in implementation, particularly in the management method. In this study, changes affecting sport and physical education have been investigated considering library references and historical documents in three periods: before Islam, after Islam to parliamentary, and from parliamentary to collapse of Pahlavi regime. Types of games and sports have been studied from the oldest time up to now regarding shaping and managerial changes. Finally, using typology method, three periods have been compared with each other. In addition, the role of social factors and the role of cultural attitudes have been studied in developing female sport. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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