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Autor/inMerrell, Kenneth W.
TitelStrong Teens--Grades 9-12: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum
Quelle(2007), (192 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Early Intervention; Personality Traits; Creative Activities; Class Activities; Behavior Problems; Scripts; Adolescents; Secondary Education; Interpersonal Competence; Curriculum Development; Student Behavior; Affective Behavior; Skill Development
AbstractSocial-emotional competence--it is a critical part of every child's school success, and just like any academic subject, children need instruction in it. Developed by a top expert, these proven curricula will help promote the social-emotional competence and resilience of children and adolescents. Divided into four age levels from kindergarten through high school, these innovative social and emotional learning curricula are filled with engaging, thought-provoking class activities that help students develop vital skills they will use for the rest of their lives: understanding emotions, managing anger, relieving stress, solving interpersonal problems, and much more. Each Strong Kids curriculum is easy for non-mental-health experts, evidence-based, a great way to boost academic skills, brief enough to fit into any program, age-appropriate, effective for all children in any setting, and low-cost and low-tech. Lessons in each curriculum include optional, easily adaptable scripts, sample scenarios and examples, creative activities, and "booster" lessons that reinforce what students learned. Every school and early intervention program will benefit from the lasting effect of these four curricula: strong, resilient students with fewer mental health and behavior problems and better academic outcomes. After a foreword (Hill M. Walker), this book is divided into two sections: (1) Introduction and Overview; and (2) The "Strong Teens" Curriculum. "Strong Teens" Booster: Pulling It All Together is appended. [This book was written with assistance from Dianna Carrizales, Laura Feuerborn, Barbara A. Gueldner, and Oanh K. Tran.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBrookes Publishing Company. P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285. Tel: 800-638-3775; Fax: 410-337-8539; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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