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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enBrannen, Julia; Heptinstall, Ellen; Bhopal, Kalwant
InstitutionLondon Univ. (England).
TitelCare and Family Life in Later Childhood.
Quelle(2000), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Child Caregivers; Child Rearing; Child Role; Childhood Attitudes; Children; Comparative Analysis; Family Life; Family Relationship; Family Structure; Focus Groups; Interpersonal Relationship; Parent Child Relationship; Significant Others; Stepfamily; Surveys
AbstractNoting that care of children has not often been investigated from the perspective of the child, this study examined children's views on "care." Participating in the survey study were 941 children, ages 10 to 12 years, (592 in their first year of secondary school and 349 in their last year of primary school). Participants were drawn from 12 state schools in 2 South London local authorities. A case study sample of 63 children was selected from the survey sample, drawn equally from three family types: mother-only, mother and stepfather, and two-parent households. A separate sample of foster children was also included. The survey and case study samples were disproportionately working class families. The main findings of the research indicated that children thought they should be the care priority for their parents. Love and care were considered more important to children than family structure. Children believed that mothers and fathers should be equally involved in and responsible for child care. Children disliked family change such as separation and divorce, but were pragmatic and even optimistic about settling into new family structures/routines. Some children maintained affectionate relationships and regular contact with nonresident parents. Stepparents had to earn respect and affection as new parent figures, but gained points for making the birth parent happy. Siblings were the most significant people in children's lives after parents, followed by grandparents, blood-related uncles and aunts, friends, and some professionals, of which "helpful teachers" were most frequently nominated. Children believed childhood should be a protected and free time. (KB)
AnmerkungenThomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, 27/28 Woburn Square, London, WC1H 0AA, United Kingdom. Tel: +44-(0)20-7612-6957; Fax: +44-(0)20-7612-6927; Web site: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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