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Autor/inButcher, James L.
TitelInvolvement and Persistence: Nontraditional Student Perceptions of the Student-College Relationship.
Quelle(1997), (128 Seiten)
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Doctor of Education Dissertation, West Virginia University
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Academic Persistence; Adult Students; College Students; Higher Education; Nontraditional Education; Participation; Student Attitudes; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis study was based on the premise that college students who perceive themselves to matter to their institutions will be more involved and inclined to persist in their educational experiences than those who perceive themselves to be marginalized. The study pursued the question of possible relationships among student perceptions of mattering, involvement, and persistence with emphasis on nontraditional student issues. A questionnaire, the Mattering Scales for Adult Students in Postsecondary Education, with additional sections to measure perceptions of involvement and persistence, was administered to samples of traditional and nontraditional students at a commuter-oriented coeducational institution of 6,500 students that offers associate and bachelor's level degree programs. Relationships were determined among the mattering, involvement, and persistence perceptions of the 67 nontraditional (aged 23 and older) and 222 traditional students who comprised the sample. The perceptions of the institutional environment held by nontraditional and traditional students were unexpectedly similar. With some exceptions, student perceptions of mattering in relation to the institution were independent of their perceived levels of involvement and persistence. As the results of the study were inconclusive, recommendations are qualified by the need for more extensive testing of the mattering construct. (Contains 24 tables and 48 references.) (Author/SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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