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Sonst. PersonenCrombez, Mary Margaret (Hrsg.); Mangigian, Lisa (Hrsg.)
InstitutionMichigan Council of Cooperative Nursery Schools, Dexter.
TitelOffspring, 2000.
Quelle42 (2000) 1-2, (66 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBrain; Child Rearing; Childrens Art; Divorce; Educational Cooperation; Imagination; Individual Needs; Marital Instability; Parent Child Relationship; Parent School Relationship; Periodicals; Prereading Experience; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Reading Aloud to Others
AbstractThis document consists of the two 2000 issues of a magazine for parents, teachers, and others involved in cooperative nursery schools. The magazine is designed to provide a forum for views on dealing with young children, express a variety of ideas, promote the cooperative philosophy, and enhance the relationships of those involved in cooperative nursery schools. The spring 2000 issue (40th Anniversary Issue) contains the following articles: (1) "Interview with Dr. Mary Bigler" (Mary Margaret Crombez); (2) "Mothers of Offspring: 40 Years of Love and Learning" (Lisa M. Mangigian); (3) "The Cooperative Nursery: Stepping Stones to Fulfillment" (Esther Middlewood); (4) "All for One and One for All: Meeting the Needs of the Individual Student in a Group Setting" (Esther Callard); (5)"Young Children and Their Art" (Jean N. Hillman); (6) "Picture Books for Pre-Reading" (Jane A. Romatowski); and (7) "One Step Ahead: Reasons to Read to Your Child." The fall 2000 issue contains the following articles: (1) "Growing Cooperatively: One Family's Story" (Suzanne Arnold); (2) "Nurturing Neurology: The Family's Role in Early Brain Development" (Mary Margaret Crombez); (3) "Indulging Daydreams: Encouraging Imaginative Play" (Margaret Packo); (4) "Supporting Separated and Divorced Families" (Anne K. Soderman); (5) "Four Generations of Mothers" (Marilynn M. Rosenthal); and (6) "One Step Ahead: Parenting Perspectives through Time." (SD)
AnmerkungenMCCN/Offspring, 8085 Huron River Drive, Dexter, MI 48130 (1-year subscription, $6; 2-year subscription, $10).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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