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Autor/inCramer, Robert Joseph
TitelSome Effects of School Building Renovation on Pupil Attitudes and Behavior in Selected Junior High Schools.
Quelle(1976), (138 Seiten)
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Doctor of Education Dissertation, University of Georgia
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Educational Environment; Educational Facilities Improvement; Junior High School Students; Junior High Schools; Public Schools; Student Attitudes; Student Behavior; Student School Relationship; Student Surveys
AbstractA study of 2,300 junior high school students from three schools determined the effect of a newly renovated school, a new school environment, and an old dilapidated school environment on their attitudes and behavior. Points were assigned to their answers; high scores indicated a positive attitude. Results show attitudes were lowest in the old dilapidated school; highest in the newly renovated school. Dilapidated schools also generated higher disruptive behavior incident scores. Neither space density or grade level had significant effect on pupil attitudes and behavior. Black students had more positive attitudes toward their school than White students. Sex differences in attitudes toward the school building were not significant, but subsets within each school had significant interactions. Finally, students without free-lunch scored higher on the attitude scores than students receiving free lunches. Appendices provide the Our School Building Attitude Inventory, population group separation statistics from each school, a comparison of physical characteristics of the three schools, and buildings floor diagrams. (Contains 47 references.) (GR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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