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Autor/inn/enEverett, Patricia C.; und weitere
TitelPresentation of Social and Academic Factors That Encourage Persistence in Secondary Schools in Rural, Low Socioeconomic Areas of Two Selected Southeastern States.
Quelle(1997), (33 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Academic Persistence; Dropout Attitudes; Dropouts; High School Seniors; High Schools; Low Income; Models; Parent Influence; Predictor Variables; Rural Education; Rural Schools; School Districts; Student Attitudes; Student Participation; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis paper describes the development of a predictive model to determine potential high school dropouts and identify areas for intensified assistance at the individual or group level. V. Tinto's (1975, 1987) model of college attrition was validated for use with high school students in rural, low socioeconomic areas of the Southeast. Ex post facto survey data were gathered from 331 high school seniors and dropouts from the senior cohort in three rural southeastern school districts. The CHAID (Chi Square Automatic Interaction Detector) procedure was used to perform segmentation modeling, dividing the sample into dropouts and persisters and then splitting each group into smaller and smaller subgroups that were mutually exclusive, significantly different with regard to an independent variable, and no smaller than 10 subjects. The CHAID model identified academic achievement as the most important determinant of persistence or dropout, and showed that students at different levels of academic achievement had unique identifying characteristics related to the dropout decision. Other findings were related to the effects on persistence of retention in grades 1-7, extracurricular participation, academic and social synthesis, sense of school membership, race, and gender. Further exploratory study of one of the districts (in Appalachia) highlighted the importance of mother's expectations for her child and mother's educational background. Contains 52 references. (SV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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