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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/invon Schmidt, Wolff
TitelReassessment of Business Courses in Foreign Languages: The European Union vis-a-vis Its Individual Members.
Quelle(1996), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdvanced Courses; Business Administration Education; Cultural Awareness; Foreign Countries; French; German; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; International Trade; Language of Instruction; Languages for Special Purposes; Modern Languages; Newspapers; Political Science; Publications; Second Languages; Serials; Spanish; European Union
AbstractThe need for advanced (fourth-year) college business courses taught in foreign languages by foreign language teachers, and the design of such courses, are discussed. It is proposed that such courses be offered more often, generally in French, German, and Spanish and preferably over two semesters or three quarters, with a minimum of 3 contact hours per week. Rather than focusing narrowly on business within the target economy, the courses should provide a broader, overall European cultural overview but highlighting the target culture. Current magazines and other publications should be made available through subscription; several are specified for German-medium instruction. Due to recent political changes in Europe, course content may be problematic and current instructional materials scarce; advances in this area are anticipated. Some course topics needing modification or development in this context include political and economic geography, the history leading to establishment of the European Union, structure and functions of the European Union, social conventions and cultures of participating countries; and local (national) issues such as tourism, transportation, agriculture, employment, energy, and environment. Classroom presentation techniques are also suggested. Lists 20 reference publications. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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