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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inBolles, Charles
InstitutionIdaho State Library, Boise.
TitelIdaho Public Library Statistics, FY 1995.
Quelle(1995), (187 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Annual Reports; Input Output Analysis; Library Administration; Library Collections; Library Expenditures; Library Funding; Library Personnel; Library Research; Library Services; Library Statistics; Operating Expenses; Public Libraries; Statistical Analysis; Tables (Data); Use Studies; Users (Information); Idaho
AbstractThis document is a compilation of input and output measures and other statistics in reference to Idaho's public libraries, covering the period October 1, 1994 to September 30, 1995. This report includes data gathered by the State Library with the "Public and District Library Annual Statistical Report Form" which reflects all monies available to a library during the report year, regardless of the source of funds; all expenditures made by the library, regardless of the source of funds; populations served within legal service areas and also by contract; and collections, services, and staff provided during the report year. Performance measures based on actual data reported are calculated for each library. An individual library's statistics should be considered in the context of its roles, goals, and objectives. A total of 108 out of 117 library entities in Idaho at the end of fiscal year 1995 submitted data for publication. Data for all reporting libraries are listed alphabetically by county and then by library name under each of 12 categories: Population, Borrowers, Facilities, Staff, Directors, Weekly Hours, Operating Income, Operating Expenditures, Collection, Annual Hours and Use of the Library, Circulation, and Interlibrary Loans. Data are also arranged by size of population served, and tables of statistics on volunteer libraries, public libraries by name, and a 1991-95 statewide summary are included. Graphs with data for 1991-95 show total Idaho population versus unduplicated population served by tax supported libraries; operating expenditures per capita; total circulation; and total attendance in Idaho public libraries; and graphs show 1995 operating income and expenditures by source. (SWC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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