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Autor/inn/enHarvey, Lee; und weitere
InstitutionUniv. of Central England, Birmingham.
TitelStudent Satisfaction. The 1995 Report on the Student Experience at UCE.
Quelle(1995), (259 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Student Attitudes; Student Personnel Services; Student School Relationship; Student Surveys; Universities; United Kingdom (England)
AbstractThis report presents results of the 7th annual student satisfaction survey at the University of Central England (UCE) at Birmingham. The report published in two parts, contains in the first part all the students' ratings of satisfaction and importance and associated commentary; the second part, a separate statistical supplement, contains the detailed data upon which the tables and graphs in the main report are based. A glossary of abbreviations precedes the main body of the report. An introductory chapter describes the survey procedures, respondents (2,191 out of a sample of 4,810), and the students' overall evaluation (68 out of a possible 100, continuing an upward trend). The four-sector matrix used to help students jointly rate both satisfaction and importance of individual issues is explained. Individual chapters then report results in narrative, tables, and graphs for the following areas: teaching staff, course organization, teaching and learning, information services--library, information services--word processing, computing, refectories, UCE accommodations, student services, the university environment, social life, financial circumstances, and self development. The survey itself is appended. (DB)
AnmerkungenCentre for Research into Quality, The University of Central England in Birmingham, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2SU, England, United Kingdom (16 British pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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